Customer Reviews Set Solstice Apart From Other NY Solar Companies


Customer Reviews Set Solstice Apart From Other NY Solar Companies

March 8, 2018

Community solar is taking off in New York and around the nation. This increasingly popular model allows you to enroll in a local solar farm and see savings on your energy bill. But as the industry grows, the number of available projects and contract options is growing–and it can be confusing.

That’s why it’s more important than ever that you feel you can trust the organization that brings you your community solar. And though we take pride in our educational approach and non-profit solar inclusion work, we also know that it can be more helpful to hear from the folks that actually have experience working with us.

We recently sat down with three of our customers to learn more about their personal experiences with community solar and with Solstice as an organization. We hope that these reviews will provide better context for our work—but we’ll let Linda, Dick, and Jim speak for themselves!

Douglas, a Solstice customer from Dover, MA, with Madeline, a member of our community outreach team.

Table of Contents

Solstice’s Newest Customer Reviews

Jim Pfiffer is a long-time Chemung County resident and the Executive Director of Chemung River Friends. He signed up for our most recent project, near Elmira, NY. We’re grateful to have the support of such a great community leader!

"Lots of people complain, find fault all the time, but that's not what community is about. We all need to work together to make our community better"

"I felt very confident. The idea that you can sign up with no fees to join, and being able cancel at any time...Who doesn't want to save?"

Linda and Dick Rosin retired to Chemung County and are active members of the Elmira community. They spend much of their time bicycling and traveling the country in their RV. Dick and Linda are practical, easy-going supporters of clean energy—a great fit for community solar!

See All of Solstice's Customer Reviews

Solstice’s Educational Approach

Dick talked in his review of Solstice about our accessibility. And it’s true: We place a lot of value in taking the time to answer all of our subscribers’ questions and making sure that they’re well-informed about the opportunity. We take this educational approach because we know how important it is for you to make an informed decision about your energy, that will both allow you to support renewable energy and to provide you with the savings and the flexibility that you deserve.

Community Solar Brings You Savings Without the Hidden Charges

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