The Cheapest Solar in 2018: How to Go Solar Without the Upfront Cost


The Cheapest Solar in 2018: How to Go Solar Without the Upfront Cost

October 16, 2018

You’re interested in solar, but you don’t want to break the bank. We understand. Fortunately, the cheapest solar energy can allow you to save without the upfront costs.

There are plenty of ways to go solar, and each one brings its own costs and benefits. From buying panels outright to joining a community solar garden, it’s safe to say you’ve got plenty of options. But if you’re looking to go solar without going into debt or investing a large chunk of your savings, community solar can offer energy bill savings without the upfront investment. Keep reading to learn how you can support local solar energy and get a discount from day one.

Table of Contents

Is Solar Energy Expensive?

There is a misconception out there that solar costs more than fossil fuels. A couple decades ago, when the only option was to pay tens of thousands of dollars for early solar technology, that was true. Today, though, your bank account is no longer a barrier to accessing solar power. Innovations in policy, design, manufacturing, transportation, and financing have made solar energy highly cost-effective, so that its only remaining competition going forward is likely to be wind power.

Rooftop Solar Maximizes Your Long-Term Energy Savings–If You’re Willing to Invest Upfront

Long-term savings are an important factor for many who are considering solar. But maximizing the economic value of your panels involves investing money upfront and waiting for years to see a return on that investment.

To get rooftop solar, you’ll have to check off the following boxes:

  • You have the savings to pay the upfront costs or the credit score to finance them
  • Your roof is unshaded and strong enough to support the panels
  • You’re ready to go find a contractor and make modifications to your home
  • You can wait five to ten years to see savings, or up to twenty if you take out a loan

Many people can’t or don’t want to wait so long to see savings. If you’re looking for immediate savings, community solar is likely a better option for your household.

community solar

Community Solar Is The Cheapest Way To Go Solar

The absolute cheapest way for you to go solar is to join a community solar farm. Enrolling in community solar allows you enroll in a local solar farm and see credits on your monthly utility bill–just like you would if the panels were on your rooftop. That means you get your discount right away, and with no upfront costs or changes to your property, getting involved is simple and affordable. With community solar, you don’t have to worry about any installation or maintenance. Since the solar developer owns the panels, they handle these responsibilities and you simply see energy savings from the solar garden’s output.

Developers are also offering more flexible contracts all the time, allowing you to come and go as you please. Additionally, if you want to modify your home, rooftop panels can add extra costs. Community solar won’t.

Today, Everyone Can Afford To Go Solar

The path to clean energy doesn’t have to be a costly one. Our customers often ask, “What’s the catch? When do I pay?” We’re proud to get these questions, because it means we’re helping to provide a service people didn’t think was possible. And we’re even prouder to answer, “There is no catch! Your community solar farm will bring you savings, year after year.”

Wondering If Community Solar Could Work For You?

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  1. Natalie
    October 18, 2018

    Yes, people do not realize how much energy it takes to get energy. We are only getting 60 percent of the energy of gasoline at the vehicle, the other 40 was expended across oil, gas, coal and electric power to produce the oil, transport it, refine it and distribute it. Then we only get about 20 percent of that, the rest is heat waste. In total the gasoline fueled car is about 12 percent efficient on average (there are some high efficiency models that might hit 20 to 24 percent(electric hybrids) but are nothing compared to PV and EV combined which breaks the efficiency equation and the whole FF mining, refining, distribution, pollution system.

  2. Andrew Alayza
    November 7, 2018

    Very thoughtful, Natalie. Thanks for reading.

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